Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/7/neo4j/3.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Math t成功地取消了用作示例的图像的失真(我没有尝试进行高质量插值):_Math_Graphics_Geometry_Projection - Fatal编程技术网

Math t成功地取消了用作示例的图像的失真(我没有尝试进行高质量插值):

Math t成功地取消了用作示例的图像的失真(我没有尝试进行高质量插值):,math,graphics,geometry,projection,Math,Graphics,Geometry,Projection,死链 (这是我在博客上写的,作为比较:) 我盲目地实现了中的公式,因此我无法保证它能满足您的需要 使用auto_zoom获取zoom参数的值 def dist(x,y): return sqrt(x*x+y*y) def fisheye_to_rectilinear(src_size,dest_size,sx,sy,crop_factor,zoom): """ returns a tuple of dest coordinates (dx,dy) (note:





def dist(x,y):
    return sqrt(x*x+y*y)

def fisheye_to_rectilinear(src_size,dest_size,sx,sy,crop_factor,zoom):
    """ returns a tuple of dest coordinates (dx,dy)
        (note: values can be out of range)
 crop_factor is ratio of sphere diameter to diagonal of the source image"""  
    # convert sx,sy to relative coordinates
    rx, ry = sx-(src_size[0]/2), sy-(src_size[1]/2)
    r = dist(rx,ry)

    # focal distance = radius of the sphere
    pi = 3.1415926535
    f = dist(src_size[0],src_size[1])*factor/pi

    # calc theta 1) linear mapping (older Nikon) 
    theta = r / f

    # calc theta 2) nonlinear mapping 
    # theta = asin ( r / ( 2 * f ) ) * 2

    # calc new radius
    nr = tan(theta) * zoom

    # back to absolute coordinates
    dx, dy = (dest_size[0]/2)+rx/r*nr, (dest_size[1]/2)+ry/r*nr
    # done
    return (int(round(dx)),int(round(dy)))

def fisheye_auto_zoom(src_size,dest_size,crop_factor):
    """ calculate zoom such that left edge of source image matches left edge of dest image """
    # Try to see what happens with zoom=1
    dx, dy = fisheye_to_rectilinear(src_size, dest_size, 0, src_size[1]/2, crop_factor, 1)

    # Calculate zoom so the result is what we wanted
    obtained_r = dest_size[0]/2 - dx
    required_r = dest_size[0]/2
    zoom = required_r / obtained_r
    return zoom



double k1 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[0];
double k2 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[1];
double p1 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[2];
double p2 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[3];
double k3 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[4];
double fu = cameraIntrinsic.focalLength[0];
double fv = cameraIntrinsic.focalLength[1];
double u0 = cameraIntrinsic.principalPoint[0];
double v0 = cameraIntrinsic.principalPoint[1];
double u, v;

u = thisPoint->x; // the undistorted point
v = thisPoint->y;
double x = ( u - u0 )/fu;
double y = ( v - v0 )/fv;

double r2 = (x*x) + (y*y);
double r4 = r2*r2;

double cDist = 1 + (k1*r2) + (k2*r4);
double xr = x*cDist;
double yr = y*cDist;

double a1 = 2*x*y;
double a2 = r2 + (2*(x*x));
double a3 = r2 + (2*(y*y));

double dx = (a1*p1) + (a2*p2);
double dy = (a3*p1) + (a1*p2);

double xd = xr + dx;
double yd = yr + dy;

double ud = (xd*fu) + u0;
double vd = (yd*fv) + v0;

thisPoint->x = ud; // the distorted point
thisPoint->y = vd;


你想走另一条路。对于未失真(处理过的图像)中的每个像素,您需要知道失真图像中对应的像素是什么。 换句话说,给定(许,余)->(xd,yd)。然后将未失真图像中的每个像素替换为失真图像中相应的像素


Rd = f * sqrt(2) * sqrt( 1 - 1/sqrt(r^2 +1))








 public class Analyzer
      private ArrayList mFisheyeCorrect;
      private int mFELimit = 1500;
      private double mScaleFESize = 0.9;

      public Analyzer()
            //A lookup table so we don't have to calculate Rdistorted over and over
            //The values will be multiplied by focal length in pixels to 
            //get the Rdistorted
          mFisheyeCorrect = new ArrayList(mFELimit);
            //i corresponds to Rundist/focalLengthInPixels * 1000 (to get integers)
          for (int i = 0; i < mFELimit; i++)
              double result = Math.Sqrt(1 - 1 / Math.Sqrt(1.0 + (double)i * i / 1000000.0)) * 1.4142136;

      public Bitmap RemoveFisheye(ref Bitmap aImage, double aFocalLinPixels)
          Bitmap correctedImage = new Bitmap(aImage.Width, aImage.Height);
             //The center points of the image
          double xc = aImage.Width / 2.0;
          double yc = aImage.Height / 2.0;
          Boolean xpos, ypos;
            //Move through the pixels in the corrected image; 
            //set to corresponding pixels in distorted image
          for (int i = 0; i < correctedImage.Width; i++)
              for (int j = 0; j < correctedImage.Height; j++)
                     //which quadrant are we in?
                  xpos = i > xc;
                  ypos = j > yc;
                     //Find the distance from the center
                  double xdif = i-xc;
                  double ydif = j-yc;
                     //The distance squared
                  double Rusquare = xdif * xdif + ydif * ydif;
                     //the angle from the center
                  double theta = Math.Atan2(ydif, xdif);
                     //find index for lookup table
                  int index = (int)(Math.Sqrt(Rusquare) / aFocalLinPixels * 1000);
                  if (index >= mFELimit) index = mFELimit - 1;
                     //calculated Rdistorted
                  double Rd = aFocalLinPixels * (double)mFisheyeCorrect[index]
                     //calculate x and y distances
                  double xdelta = Math.Abs(Rd*Math.Cos(theta));
                  double ydelta = Math.Abs(Rd * Math.Sin(theta));
                     //convert to pixel coordinates
                  int xd = (int)(xc + (xpos ? xdelta : -xdelta));
                  int yd = (int)(yc + (ypos ? ydelta : -ydelta));
                  xd = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(xd, aImage.Width-1));
                  yd = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(yd, aImage.Height-1));
                     //set the corrected pixel value from the distorted image
                  correctedImage.SetPixel(i, j, aImage.GetPixel(xd, yd));
          return correctedImage;
私人ArrayList mFisheyeCorrect;
私有int mFELimit=1500;
for(int i=0;ixc;
double Rd=aFocalLinPixels*(double)mFisheyeCorrect[索引]
double ydelta=Math.Abs(Rd*Math.Sin(θ));
int xd=(int)(xc+(xpos?xdelta:-xdelta));
int yd=(int)(yc+(ypos?ydelta:-ydelta));


# ./undistort 0_0000.jpg 1367.451167 1367.451167 0 0 -0.246065 0.193617 -0.002004 -0.002056

import sys
import cv

def main(argv):
    if len(argv) < 10:
    print 'Usage: %s input-file fx fy cx cy k1 k2 p1 p2 output-file' % argv[0]

    src = argv[1]
    fx, fy, cx, cy, k1, k2, p1, p2, output = argv[2:]

    intrinsics = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_64FC1)
    intrinsics[0, 0] = float(fx)
    intrinsics[1, 1] = float(fy)
    intrinsics[2, 2] = 1.0
    intrinsics[0, 2] = float(cx)
    intrinsics[1, 2] = float(cy)

    dist_coeffs = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_64FC1)
    dist_coeffs[0, 0] = float(k1)
    dist_coeffs[0, 1] = float(k2)
    dist_coeffs[0, 2] = float(p1)
    dist_coeffs[0, 3] = float(p2)

    src = cv.LoadImage(src)
    dst = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(src), src.depth, src.nChannels)
    mapx = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(src), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
    mapy = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(src), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
    cv.InitUndistortMap(intrinsics, dist_coeffs, mapx, mapy)
    cv.Remap(src, dst, mapx, mapy, cv.CV_INTER_LINEAR + cv.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS,  cv.ScalarAll(0))
    # cv.Undistort2(src, dst, intrinsics, dist_coeffs)

    cv.SaveImage(output, dst)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Rin = 2 f sin(w/2) -> sin(w/2)= Rin/2f
Rout= f tan(w)     -> tan(w)= Rout/f

(Rin/2f)^2 = [sin(w/2)]^2 = (1 - cos(w))/2  ->  cos(w) = 1 - 2(Rin/2f)^2
(Rout/f)^2 = [tan(w)]^2 = 1/[cos(w)]^2 - 1

-> (Rout/f)^2 = 1/(1-2[Rin/2f]^2)^2 - 1
Rout = Rin*(1 + A*Rin^2 + B*Rin^4 + ...)
(Rout/f)^2 = 1/(1-2[Rin/2f]^2)^2 - 1
-> Rout/f = [Rin/f] * sqrt(1-[Rin/f]^2/4)/(1-[Rin/f]^2/2)
Rin/f = [Rout/f] / sqrt( sqrt(([Rout/f]^2+1) * (sqrt([Rout/f]^2+1) + 1) / 2 )
def dist(x,y):
    return sqrt(x*x+y*y)

def correct_fisheye(src_size,dest_size,dx,dy,factor):
    """ returns a tuple of source coordinates (sx,sy)
        (note: values can be out of range)"""
    # convert dx,dy to relative coordinates
    rx, ry = dx-(dest_size[0]/2), dy-(dest_size[1]/2)
    # calc theta
    r = dist(rx,ry)/(dist(src_size[0],src_size[1])/factor)
    if 0==r:
        theta = 1.0
        theta = atan(r)/r
    # back to absolute coordinates
    sx, sy = (src_size[0]/2)+theta*rx, (src_size[1]/2)+theta*ry
    # done
    return (int(round(sx)),int(round(sy)))

def dist(x,y):
    return sqrt(x*x+y*y)

def fisheye_to_rectilinear(src_size,dest_size,sx,sy,crop_factor,zoom):
    """ returns a tuple of dest coordinates (dx,dy)
        (note: values can be out of range)
 crop_factor is ratio of sphere diameter to diagonal of the source image"""  
    # convert sx,sy to relative coordinates
    rx, ry = sx-(src_size[0]/2), sy-(src_size[1]/2)
    r = dist(rx,ry)

    # focal distance = radius of the sphere
    pi = 3.1415926535
    f = dist(src_size[0],src_size[1])*factor/pi

    # calc theta 1) linear mapping (older Nikon) 
    theta = r / f

    # calc theta 2) nonlinear mapping 
    # theta = asin ( r / ( 2 * f ) ) * 2

    # calc new radius
    nr = tan(theta) * zoom

    # back to absolute coordinates
    dx, dy = (dest_size[0]/2)+rx/r*nr, (dest_size[1]/2)+ry/r*nr
    # done
    return (int(round(dx)),int(round(dy)))

def fisheye_auto_zoom(src_size,dest_size,crop_factor):
    """ calculate zoom such that left edge of source image matches left edge of dest image """
    # Try to see what happens with zoom=1
    dx, dy = fisheye_to_rectilinear(src_size, dest_size, 0, src_size[1]/2, crop_factor, 1)

    # Calculate zoom so the result is what we wanted
    obtained_r = dest_size[0]/2 - dx
    required_r = dest_size[0]/2
    zoom = required_r / obtained_r
    return zoom
double k1 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[0];
double k2 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[1];
double p1 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[2];
double p2 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[3];
double k3 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[4];
double fu = cameraIntrinsic.focalLength[0];
double fv = cameraIntrinsic.focalLength[1];
double u0 = cameraIntrinsic.principalPoint[0];
double v0 = cameraIntrinsic.principalPoint[1];
double u, v;

u = thisPoint->x; // the undistorted point
v = thisPoint->y;
double x = ( u - u0 )/fu;
double y = ( v - v0 )/fv;

double r2 = (x*x) + (y*y);
double r4 = r2*r2;

double cDist = 1 + (k1*r2) + (k2*r4);
double xr = x*cDist;
double yr = y*cDist;

double a1 = 2*x*y;
double a2 = r2 + (2*(x*x));
double a3 = r2 + (2*(y*y));

double dx = (a1*p1) + (a2*p2);
double dy = (a3*p1) + (a1*p2);

double xd = xr + dx;
double yd = yr + dy;

double ud = (xd*fu) + u0;
double vd = (yd*fv) + v0;

thisPoint->x = ud; // the distorted point
thisPoint->y = vd;
Rd = f * sqrt(2) * sqrt( 1 - 1/sqrt(r^2 +1))
xd = Rd * cos(theta) + xc
yd = Rd * sin(theta) + yc
 public class Analyzer
      private ArrayList mFisheyeCorrect;
      private int mFELimit = 1500;
      private double mScaleFESize = 0.9;

      public Analyzer()
            //A lookup table so we don't have to calculate Rdistorted over and over
            //The values will be multiplied by focal length in pixels to 
            //get the Rdistorted
          mFisheyeCorrect = new ArrayList(mFELimit);
            //i corresponds to Rundist/focalLengthInPixels * 1000 (to get integers)
          for (int i = 0; i < mFELimit; i++)
              double result = Math.Sqrt(1 - 1 / Math.Sqrt(1.0 + (double)i * i / 1000000.0)) * 1.4142136;

      public Bitmap RemoveFisheye(ref Bitmap aImage, double aFocalLinPixels)
          Bitmap correctedImage = new Bitmap(aImage.Width, aImage.Height);
             //The center points of the image
          double xc = aImage.Width / 2.0;
          double yc = aImage.Height / 2.0;
          Boolean xpos, ypos;
            //Move through the pixels in the corrected image; 
            //set to corresponding pixels in distorted image
          for (int i = 0; i < correctedImage.Width; i++)
              for (int j = 0; j < correctedImage.Height; j++)
                     //which quadrant are we in?
                  xpos = i > xc;
                  ypos = j > yc;
                     //Find the distance from the center
                  double xdif = i-xc;
                  double ydif = j-yc;
                     //The distance squared
                  double Rusquare = xdif * xdif + ydif * ydif;
                     //the angle from the center
                  double theta = Math.Atan2(ydif, xdif);
                     //find index for lookup table
                  int index = (int)(Math.Sqrt(Rusquare) / aFocalLinPixels * 1000);
                  if (index >= mFELimit) index = mFELimit - 1;
                     //calculated Rdistorted
                  double Rd = aFocalLinPixels * (double)mFisheyeCorrect[index]
                     //calculate x and y distances
                  double xdelta = Math.Abs(Rd*Math.Cos(theta));
                  double ydelta = Math.Abs(Rd * Math.Sin(theta));
                     //convert to pixel coordinates
                  int xd = (int)(xc + (xpos ? xdelta : -xdelta));
                  int yd = (int)(yc + (ypos ? ydelta : -ydelta));
                  xd = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(xd, aImage.Width-1));
                  yd = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(yd, aImage.Height-1));
                     //set the corrected pixel value from the distorted image
                  correctedImage.SetPixel(i, j, aImage.GetPixel(xd, yd));
          return correctedImage;