Optimization 如何迭代一组总和约为0的数字的所有子集

Optimization 如何迭代一组总和约为0的数字的所有子集,optimization,math,f#,functional-programming,Optimization,Math,F#,Functional Programming,现在,我已经有将近20年没有应用于函数式编程了,那时我们只写阶乘和fib,所以我真的呼吁社区帮我找到解决方案 我的问题是: “给定一组交易对象,我想找出净公差为零+/-一定公差的所有交易组合。” 我的第一个十年计划是: let NettedOutTrades trades tolerance = ... 让我们假设我的起点是先前构造的元组数组(trade,value)。我想要的是一个数组(或者列表,随便什么)的交易数组。因此: let result = NettedOutTrades [| (





let NettedOutTrades trades tolerance = ...

let result = NettedOutTrades [| (t1, -10); (t2, 6); (t3, 6); (t4; 5) |] 1

     [| t1; t2; t4 |]
     [| t1; t3; t4 |]



let nettedOutTrades trades tolerance =
  // Recursively process 'remaining' trades. Currently accumulated trades are
  // stored in 'current' and the sum of their prices is 'sum'. The accumulator
  // 'result' stores all lists of trades that add up to 0 (+/- tolerance)
  let rec loop remaining sum current result =
    match remaining with 
    // Finished iterating over all trades & the current list of trades
    // matches the condition and is non-empty - add it to results
    | [] when sum >= -tolerance && sum <= tolerance &&
              current <> [] -> current::result
    | [] -> result // Finished, but didn't match condition
    | (t, p)::trades -> 
      // Process remaining trades recursively using two options:
      // 1) If we add the trade to current trades
      let result = loop trades (sum + p) (t::current) result
      // 2) If we don't add the trade and skip it
      loop trades sum current result
  loop trades 0 [] [] 



  • 生成一组元素的所有组合。这是问题中最困难和可重用的部分。因此,我们将问题的这一部分隔离到一个独立函数中,该函数返回给定通用元素列表的组合序列
  • 给定(交易、价值)列表,筛选出价值总和不在给定公差范围内的所有组合
  • 将每个组合从(交易、价值)列表映射到交易列表
  • 我提升了@Tomas计算所有(除了空的)组合的底层算法 但使用递归序列表达式,而不是带有累加器的递归函数(我发现这更容易读写)




    /// Takes some input and a function to receive all the combinations
    /// of the input.
    ///   input:    List of any anything
    ///   iterator: Function to receive the result.
    let iterCombinations input iterator =
      /// Inner recursive function that does all the work.
      ///   remaining: The remainder of the input that needs to be processed
      ///   builder:   A continuation that is responsible for building the
      ///              result list, and passing it to the result function.
      ///   cont:      A normal continuation, just used to make the loop tail
      ///              recursive.
      let rec loop remaining builder cont =
        match remaining with
        | [] ->
            // No more items; Build the final value, and continue with
            // queued up work.
            builder []
        | (x::xs) ->
            // Recursively build the list with (and without) the current item.
            loop xs builder <| fun () ->
              loop xs (fun ys -> x::ys |> builder) cont
      // Start the loop.
      loop input iterator id
    /// Searches for sub-lists which has a sum close to zero.
    let nettedOutTrades tolerance items =
      // mutable accumulator list
      let result = ref []
      iterCombinations items <| function
        | [] -> () // ignore the empty list, which is always there
        | comb ->
            // Check the sum, and add the list to the result if
            // it is ok.
            let sum = comb |> List.sumBy snd
            if abs sum <= tolerance then
              result := (List.map fst comb, sum) :: !result


    可能需要编辑您的示例-应该是(t1,-11),这样他们就可以算出每个交易的问题相当于子集和问题()这是NP完全。@BrokenGlass:I asume Brett将1定义为原始问题中提到的公差间隙(“…该网络为零+/-一些公差”)。没错,froeschli,这个例子是为了说明公差的使用……但公平地说,这可能是问题中最微不足道的部分,为了清楚起见,可以省略掉。+1@Tomas,你真的很快就完成了这个例子,然后回来并添加了精彩的评论。一个小建议:翻转
    [("a", 2); ("b", -1); ("c", -2); ("d", 1)] |> nettedOutTrades 1
    /// Takes some input and a function to receive all the combinations
    /// of the input.
    ///   input:    List of any anything
    ///   iterator: Function to receive the result.
    let iterCombinations input iterator =
      /// Inner recursive function that does all the work.
      ///   remaining: The remainder of the input that needs to be processed
      ///   builder:   A continuation that is responsible for building the
      ///              result list, and passing it to the result function.
      ///   cont:      A normal continuation, just used to make the loop tail
      ///              recursive.
      let rec loop remaining builder cont =
        match remaining with
        | [] ->
            // No more items; Build the final value, and continue with
            // queued up work.
            builder []
        | (x::xs) ->
            // Recursively build the list with (and without) the current item.
            loop xs builder <| fun () ->
              loop xs (fun ys -> x::ys |> builder) cont
      // Start the loop.
      loop input iterator id
    /// Searches for sub-lists which has a sum close to zero.
    let nettedOutTrades tolerance items =
      // mutable accumulator list
      let result = ref []
      iterCombinations items <| function
        | [] -> () // ignore the empty list, which is always there
        | comb ->
            // Check the sum, and add the list to the result if
            // it is ok.
            let sum = comb |> List.sumBy snd
            if abs sum <= tolerance then
              result := (List.map fst comb, sum) :: !result
    > [("a",-1); ("b",2); ("c",5); ("d",-3)]
    - |> nettedOutTrades 1
    - |> printfn "%A"
    [(["a"; "b"], 1); (["a"; "c"; "d"], 1); (["a"], -1); (["b"; "d"], -1)]